With a brand new customer-facing area of Middlesbrough's HMRC facilities due to open at 0900h on Monday morning, a major problem was discovered in the floor beneath a metal detection unit.
The unit had been built over a metal access floor, rendering the unit unusable. As their trusted planned maintenance supplier, Lenica was called in to resolve the problem before the tight deadline.
The problematic access floor formed part of a complex concrete and metal construction. To remove this without contaminating the new accommodation with the inevitable dust and debris, Lenica created a makeshift tent around the working area. The team also used an air cleansing system and breathing equipment to protect both the site and the engineers working on it. Once the access section was safely removed, they replaced the metal construction with a new timber floor and covering that would not interfere with the detector unit's operation.
The removal and replacement of the access floor demanded not only sign if cant engineering expertise, patience and precision cutting equipment, but also absolute commitment to completing the job to perfection before the vital deadline.